Improve User Experience With Text To Speech

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Improve user experience with text-to-speech using Synthy. Its UX design is focused on the end user’s experience created for persons with disabilities.

Improve User Experience With Text To Speech

Have you ever downloaded software that promised to make life easier but ended up being too much of a hassle to use?

iPhone users know the frustration of accidentally activating the Siri voice assistant during important conversations. Both multitasking homeowners and parents understand the pros and cons of owning a smart speaker that can be triggered by a child’s voice or a dog’s bark, leading users to question the effectiveness of speech recognition technology. And anyone who has interacted with a customer service IVR system knows how challenging it can be to communicate with AI. Modern conveniences can quickly turn into frustrations if software or web design cannot handle the unpredictable actions of human users.

The dilemma software developers face when creating voice user interfaces (VUIs) or read-aloud text-to-speech (TTS) software intended to make websites and digital content more accessible for users with disabilities like visual impairment, learning disabilities, ADHD, and other physical and mental impairments is how to improve the user experience.

Keep reading to learn how Synthy’s UX design uses ingenuity to enhance the user interface and customer experience in its product design for mobile apps and web plugins.

Improve User Experience With Text To Speech

The first step in improving user experience with any accessibility software is understanding the most common problems through user research.

One issue with other TTS software options is that the voices available for real-time playback sound robotic and do not replicate the accents, intonations, or cadences of human voices. Synthy has addressed this problem by revolutionizing speech synthesis. Modern speech technology enables users to listen to any text in their native language or accent with the touch of a button. AI adjusts the tone based on text formatting, resulting in more human-like voices to enhance the user experience.

Improving Accessibility and the User Interface

Another issue with other TTS or Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technologies is that playback is often too slow and challenging to navigate. Synthy allows users to listen to any text at any speed. Users listening for work or school can playback on-screen text, switch between devices without losing their place, and fast forward or rewind as needed.

Problematic voice user interfaces can be another challenge for people with impairments. For example, on Android smartphones, the text-to-speech software, once activated, cannot be easily paused or turned off. Speech automation is triggered when users navigate to a new web page or open a different app on their phone. To deactivate it, users must find settings and disable the speech technology. Users with visual impairment or physical disabilities may rate the phone’s built-in API very low for usability and functionality.

TTS Readers for Web Pages

Synthy’s TTS reader for web pages ensures a pleasant customer experience every time. The web browser interface includes a floating widget that’s customizable and provides easy access to the play/pause button, voice changer, bookmark option, and speed control. Users never have to wonder how to stop playback. Additionally, where supported, Synthy uses text highlighting so listeners can follow along visually and audibly.

Most built-in text-to-speech options do not allow users to create an audio file that syncs between devices and can be shared via email or Google Drive. Synthy, however, enables users to create and save audio files of on-screen text for playback later.

Synthy also offers its own API for text-to-speech that other companies can use to enhance user experience on their websites. Newspaper websites, for example, may offer natural-sounding text-to-speech powered by Synthy to end-users as a membership perk.

Synthy Does It All

With an accessible user interface built specifically for users with disabilities, Synthy’s UX design truly prioritizes the end user’s experience. Synthy’s mobile apps cater to active listeners on the go, while the web extension seamlessly integrates with phone usage. It’s no wonder the app is rated #1 in the App Store.

Text to Speech Helps Maximize Productivity

Synthy’s TTS technology maximizes users’ productivity by addressing problems caused by impairments. Users with disabilities need mobile apps with more functionality and fewer glitches when it comes to voice recognition, product design, transcription, and usability.

On both web browsers and mobile apps, users can pause, choose variable playback speeds, optimize their listening experience with interchangeable human-like voices, and create files to listen to and share later.


How can user experience be improved?

To improve user experience, UX design must consider the user’s impairments and intentions. If the user struggles with voice interaction, voice recognition software needs to anticipate the human agent’s inability to perform those functions and create workarounds to enhance user experience. Interface design for speech technology should be based on user research, metrics, and studying use cases. Design teams should engage with disabled users to determine the most helpful features and improve user experience.

What is text to speech?

Text-to-speech, in simple terms, reads speech aloud to enhance accessibility, increase productivity, and improve consumer experience.

What is the most realistic text-to-speech engine?

Synthy offers the most realistic AI-generated voices for instant playback and file storage for later use. It’s available for iOS, Android, and Chrome. Synthy understands how people consume information. By using Synthy’s mobile apps and Chrome extension, users can turn their digital content into an instant podcast.