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Neurodivergent individuals have historically been labeled with learning disabilities. However, it’s becoming clearer that many of these conditions represent different ways of thinking rather than disabilities.

Understanding Neurodiversity

The recognition of diverse thinking styles is growing, thanks to social media and inclusivity movements. This evolving understanding that the human brain functions uniquely for each person is reshaping our approaches to education, work, and communication. This shift has fueled the neurodiversity movement. Previously, many forms of neurodivergence were considered learning disabilities, but now they are seen more as variations in thinking.

Historically, individuals diagnosed with conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or dyslexia faced challenges in traditional educational and work environments. With greater awareness of neurodivergent brain functions, these individuals are increasingly being understood and accommodated in their daily lives.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity refers to individuals whose neurological function or mode of thinking differs from what is considered normal, or neurotypical. The term was coined by sociologist Judy Singer in 1998. Neurodivergence often describes those with autistic spectrum disorders. Common conditions under the umbrella of neurodiversity include ADHD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, epilepsy, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette syndrome (TS).

What is a Neurotypical?

A neurotypical person is someone whose neurological function and cognitive development are considered standard variations. This term is commonly used by autistic individuals and communities to describe someone whose cognitive function is perceived as normal or non-autistic.

Helpful Tools for Neurodivergent Thinkers

Due to the different ways in which their brains operate, those with neurological differences may require specific accommodations when it comes to reading. Various tools are available to assist with these unique cognitive functions. One of the preferred tools for processing information is a text-to-speech reader.

TTS Reader

Text-to-Speech readers enable individuals to hear the text and follow along as it is read aloud. This is very helpful for neurodivergent individuals as it helps them process information in both auditory and visual formats.

Listening to text while it is read aids in increasing focus and building a stronger understanding than reading alone. It also enhances the retention of information due to the multiple modes of consumption.


Synthy is a text-to-speech reader that vocalizes any materials typically read. For neurodivergent individuals who struggle with focusing on reading or dealing with text on a page, Synthy is a valuable tool.

Reading is crucial in work and school settings. Those who struggle with reading often fall behind and suffer from lower self-esteem and confidence. Synthy can make reading tasks more manageable by offering the option to listen instead of read.

Synthy allows users to take photos of pages they need to read, assisting with homework, training materials, mail, bills, and more. The app highlights words as it reads them, making reading more visually appealing while listening. Synthy is compatible with Chrome, iOS, and Android, allowing for listening on desktop or mobile.

Using text-to-speech software like Synthy increases information retention by allowing material to be consumed both auditorily and visually. Synthy also lets users adjust the reading speed, enabling them to absorb more material than reading alone.

Audible Learning

Audible learning is highly effective for the neurodivergent community, making material more comprehensible. Those who struggle with reading comprehension may find understanding tone and voice inflection in text challenging. However, hearing the material read aloud allows listeners to pick up on these cues.

Removing the stress of reading for someone struggling with comprehension can significantly improve their ability to retain information. Listening to materials being read helps break down barriers around comprehension and connects new information with what they already know.

Synthy is an effective tool for helping neurodiverse individuals with reading comprehension issues, making reading less of a struggle and more enjoyable.

Realistic Voices

Synthy uses artificial intelligence voices that are more fluid and human-like than typical AI voices, aiding in the flow and retention of the material. A more natural reading experience benefits those with autism, removing some barriers to retention and understanding.


What is considered neurodivergent?

The term neurodivergent describes individuals whose neurological function or mode of thinking differs from what is considered normal, or neurotypical. It is commonly used to describe those with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).

What are the signs of neurodiversity?

Neurodivergent individuals may be diagnosed by a healthcare provider with cognitive, learning, or developmental disorders such as ADHD, autism, or dyslexia. Some may identify as neurodivergent without an official diagnosis if they feel their brains operate differently from the norm.

What are the most common forms of neurodiversity?

Common types of neurodivergence include ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. Many forms of neurodiversity can be managed with medication prescribed by a mental health provider.

What are the benefits of being neurodivergent?

While being neurodivergent presents challenges, it also offers benefits. Neurodivergent individuals often bring unique perspectives and innovative thinking, which can lead to creative problem-solving and fresh ideas that might not be considered otherwise.
