GMAT Audio Study Material and Prep

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Are you considering a career in business? Read on to discover how to effectively prepare for the GMAT, integrate study into your busy schedule, and find the best study guides available.


If you’re aiming to improve your GMAT score or just beginning your test preparation, Synthy could be the key to your success. Synthy is a versatile app for both mobile and desktop that converts text into audio, allowing you to listen to prep material while multitasking. This method is especially beneficial for visual learners or those struggling to find dedicated study time. Integrate top GMAT prep courses with Synthy through providers like Kaplan, The Princeton Review, Manhattan Prep, and Magoosh.

What is the GMAT?

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), developed by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), is a computer-adaptive diagnostic test required by most business schools for MBA admissions. It assesses verbal, mathematical, and analytical skills across four sections: Quantitative, Verbal, Analytical Writing Assessment, and Integrated Reasoning.

Adaptive Nature of the GMAT

The GMAT is unique in its computer-adaptive nature, meaning the difficulty of questions adjusts based on your performance. Initially, you will encounter easier questions. Correct answers lead to more challenging questions, while incorrect answers result in easier ones. The goal is to determine the point where you can correctly answer about 50% of the questions.

The Importance of the GMAT

The GMAT is a critical component for those pursuing a career in business, serving as a predictor of success in business school and beyond. A high GMAT score can be the deciding factor for admission into top business schools and can also influence eligibility for scholarships and financial aid. While there is no official minimum score, a high score can significantly impact your chances of financing your education and gaining admission to your desired program.

Long-Term Benefits

Your GMAT score not only reflects your current abilities but also highlights areas for improvement, guiding your preparation for a successful career in business. It provides a clear measure of your readiness for the challenges of an MBA program and your potential for future success.

Exam Overview

The GMAT, a standardized test created by the Graduate Management Admission Council, consists of four sections: Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal. The adaptive algorithm adjusts question difficulty based on your answers. To maximize opportunities at elite business schools, aim for a score of 700 or higher.

Understanding the Difficulty of the GMAT

The GMAT is designed to be challenging, ensuring its value as a predictor of success in business school. However, with diligent preparation, including practice tests, private tutoring, and comprehensive study guides, you can master the exam. Start your preparation at least three months in advance, dedicating 100-120 hours to study practice questions, video lessons, and fundamental reviews. With thorough preparation, achieving a score of 700 or higher is entirely possible.

Exam Structure and Content

The GMAT consists of four sections, each testing different skills:

  • Verbal Reasoning: Tests your ability to read and comprehend complex passages.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Measures mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.
  • Integrated Reasoning: Evaluates your ability to analyze data and draw conclusions.
  • Analytical Writing Assessment: Assesses your ability to critique and analyze arguments.

GMAT Exam Duration

The exam can take up to three and a half hours to complete. The Analytical Writing and Integrated Reasoning sections each last 30 minutes, while the Quantitative and Verbal sections are 62 and 65 minutes, respectively. Because the GMAT is adaptive, some test-takers may finish sections more quickly than others. Practice with similar timed tests from providers like Kaplan and The Princeton Review to manage your exam timing effectively.

Sections and Question Types

To thoroughly prepare for the GMAT, it’s essential to understand the structure and types of questions in each section:

  • Quantitative Reasoning: Includes 31 multiple-choice questions on algebra, geometry, and data interpretation.
  • Verbal Reasoning: Comprises 36 multiple-choice questions on reading comprehension and critical reasoning.
  • Integrated Reasoning: Involves analyzing data from various sources to make sound decisions.
  • Analytical Writing Assessment: Requires writing an analysis of an argument within 30 minutes.

Using Synthy to Prepare for the GMAT

Viewing the GMAT as a pivotal event in your life can be daunting. Synthy helps alleviate this stress by allowing you to study on the go. Synthy converts your GMAT study materials into audio, enabling you to review content anytime, anywhere.

Why Synthy is the Best App for GMAT Prep

Life can be hectic, and finding time for extensive GMAT prep can be challenging. Synthy is an on-demand app designed to help you learn and retain material efficiently. It transforms thick prep books into manageable audio content, making it feel like a lecture you can attend anytime.

Efficient Study with Synthy

With Synthy, you can listen to study materials while exercising, commuting, or performing other tasks. Listening to content can improve vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Synthy offers options for multiple languages and tones, making it accessible on iOS, Chrome, Android, and Safari.

Synthy and Dyslexia

For students with dyslexia, Synthy offers a valuable tool for GMAT preparation. The text-to-speech feature helps make content more understandable and retainable. Additionally, practice tests and study aids like flashcards can further enhance your preparation.


  • How much does GMAT prep cost? Magoosh offers an economical self-study option and a guided study plan by a 99th percentile GMAT instructor, including a 7-day money-back guarantee.
  • Is 700 GMAT easy to score? A score of 700 is at the 90th percentile and, while challenging, is achievable with thorough preparation, including a GMAT prep course, private tutoring, and interactive videos.
  • Is the GMAT the same as the GRE? No, the GMAT is a computer-adaptive test, while the GRE is a paper-based test. Each has different structures and focuses.
  • How many times should I take the GMAT? There is no set number of times to take the GMAT, but it is recommended to aim for a higher score each time. Business schools typically consider your highest score.